Scroll down for the Step-by-Step Guide on how to create a Reserved Seating Price Profile
What is a Price Profile?
A combination of Venue Plan and Price Table, where you can assign Price Bands to seats if you have Reserved Seating.
By connecting prices to seats on your Venue Plan you are determining how many tickets can be sold at that price. You can have various Price Profiles depending on your booking periods/pricing structures.
If you have a General Admission Venue Plan then you can set a capacity for each price band from your Price Table - for more info, see here.
What is a Price Table?
The pricing structure for your event, including your Price Variants and Bands.
It's the first step in creating your prices and you will need to complete one before this step.
More info can be found here.
What is a Band?
Tiers or levels of pricing.
With Reserved Seating, you may wish to have Band A, B, C or 1, 2, 3, etc. with different price levels.
More info can be found here.
How do I create a Price Profile?
From the Prices page on your event, selecting the Price Profiles bar and entering the details, including the Venue Plan you are using.
For more info, see our Step-by-Step Guide below.
How do I connect my Price Profile to my event?
Via the Performances page and either editing an individual performance or adding them in bulk using the Action bar. For more info, see our Step-by-Step Guide below.
Can I edit a Price Profile for a specific performance?
Yes, you can re-band a performance either on the Performance page or via the Box Office page.
NOTE - this will unlink the performance from the original Price Profile. By doing this it means it will have its own performance-specific Price Profile and so any changes made to the original Price Profile will no longer pull through to this performance.
For more info, see step 5 in our Step-by-Step Guide below.
What do I need to have created by this point?
Your Venues.
Your Channels.
Your Event by completing the Info page.
Your Performances.
The first step in setting up your prices by creating your Price Tables.
1. Create a Price Profile
a) Go the Events page and select your Event
b) Click the Prices tab, and then the Price Profiles bar on the left hand side
c) Click New Price Profile
d) Add a Name and Description
e) Select which Venue Plan your Price Profile will use (you will need to have created this prior to this step. For more info, go here)
f) Select which Price Table from your event that your Price Profile will use (you will need to have created this prior to this step. For more info, go here)
g) Click Submit
2. Connect seats to Price Band
a) Select seats on your Venue Plan - either click on individual seats or select multiple seats by holding the shift button on your keyboard and you can use the Paintbrush icon to drag across multiple seats. For more info on the Paintbrush feature, go here
To remove any seats you have selected, hold shift + command and you can use the eraser icon to remove multiple seats. For more info about
b) Click the plus icon next to the Band you want to add them to
c) To remove certain seats from a Band, select the seats you want to remove and click the cancel/circle icon next to the Band
d) To remove all seats from a Band, click the bin icon next to the Band
NOTE - Price Profiles are saved automatically every time you make a change.
3. Edit your Price Profile
a) Click Manage on the Price Profile page
b) Edit the details - NOTE, this page saves automatically
4. Add Price Profile to Performances
a) In bulk:
- Select the Performances tab on your Event
- Use the Filter bar to find the next to the Performances you want to assign Price Profile to and select tick the box next to them (you can click the top-left box to select all the Performances on that page)
- Select the price icon on the Action Bar
- Select your Price Profile from the drop down
- Click Update to add Price Profile to Performances
b) Individually:
- Select the Performances tab on your Event
- Click Manage on the Performance you want to add Price Profile to
- Click Edit
- Scroll down to Price Profile section and select Assign Price Profile now
- Select Price Profile from the dropdown
- Scroll down and click Submit
5. Want to unlink a Price Profile from a performance and create specific banding for that performance only?
a) Via Performances page:
- Select the Performances tab on your event
- Click Manage on the performance you want to unlink
- Scroll down and click Edit Capacity
- Edit the seats/bands as you wish on the new performance-specific Price Profile. This will then un-link it from the original Price Profile - NOTE, this means that any changes on the original Price Profile won't affect this performance
For more info on how to bulk edit/manage performances, see here.
b) Via the Box Office page:
- Go to the Box Office page and select your event
- Scroll down to the pricing legend bottom of the page
- Change from Add to Basket mode to Reband mode by clicking the price icon in the bottom right
- Use the price legend and the Paintbrush to add or remove seats. See here for full instructions
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