Scroll down for the Step-by-Step Guide on how to create a Reserved Seating Venue Plan
What is a Venue Plan?
The design for your Venue, where you can build your seats, areas, sections and blocks if you have reserved seating.
If you don't have reserved seating, you can create a General Admission Venue Plan where you can assign capacities but without building seats or areas - more info on that here.
What can I build with my Reserved Seating Venue Plan?
You can build and customise the following:
Areas - these will form the main parts of your Venue Plan and is where your sections and seats sit inside. This may be your Stalls, Circle, etc.
Sections - build these within your Area, e.g. Stalls Left, Box A, etc.
Blocks - these can sit on top of your Areas or Sections and will allow ticket buyers to zoom into a section on the Venue Plan to book seats. You may want to add these if you are building an arena-style Venue Plan.
How do I create a Venue Plan?
From the Venues page and clicking the Venue Plans tab, before selecting what type of Venue Plan you want to create and building your plan.
For more info, see our Step-by-Step Guide below.
How do I add my Venue Plan to to my Event?
Via your Price Profiles, where you can connect the prices for your event to the seats on your Venue Plan.
More info can be found here.
Can I make any changes to my Venue Plan once events are on sale?
Yes, but please consider the following before making any changes:
- If you'd like to add seats onto a row, make sure you click Lock Seat Labels before making any changes, so that seat indexing/number ordering remains the same:
- You can only delete items from Venue Plans if they have no sales, prices, discounts or products attached to them.
What do I need to do before creating a Venue Plan?
Sign up to a Line-Up account.
Set up your Organisation.
1. Go to the Venues page on the left hand side and then, on the Venue Plans tab, click New Venue Plan
2. On the pop-up select Reserved Seating (if you are creating a General Admission Venue Plan, see here)
3. Enter details:
a) Name - this is for internal use, customers will never see this
b) Description
c) Tags - for internal use, these will help group your Venues on your Venue Plan list
d) Click Submit
4. Edit Plan to start using the Venue Plan builder - on the Venue Plan list, click the 3 dots to the right of the plan and then select Edit Plan
5. Add Areas:
a) On the Venue Plan builder, add an Area by clicking on the square icon
b) On the right, you can edit the following details for your Area:
- Group Name - e.g. Stalls, Front, etc. Customise the font type, size, weight and angle
- Show Label on Venue Plan - optional
- Row Labels - choose from Left, Right, Both or None
- Seat Spacing - increase the space between seats by clicking the left/right arrows
- Row Spacing - increase the space between rows by clicking the left/right arrows
- Reverse Row Direction - optional
6. Add Section:
a) Click on the square icon again to add a Section within your Area
b) Enter details for Section, e.g. Group Name = Stalls Left
7. Want to put your Area or Section into a Block?
a) Click on the plan, outside of the Area/Section
b) Click on the block icon
c) Add details to your Block, e.g. Group Name = Block 1
d) Add Section or Area to Block - under Parent Seating Group, select the Block from the dropdown
8. Add rows of seats:
a) Click on the Area, Section or Block outline first (i.e. the red square) and then the dots icon in the top left. Click and drag to adjust position
b) On the right you can enter the following details for your Row:
- Number of seats - increase or decrease the amount of seats in your Row (it will automatically provide you with 10 seats)
- Rotation - rotate seats by clicking the left/right arrows
- Curve - add a curve to Row by clicking the left/right arrows
- Seat Spacing - increase/decrease the space between seats by clicking the left/right arrows
- Row Label - e.g A, B, C
- Position - choose the position for your Row Label, Left, Right, Both or None
- Seats Labels - choose from 1, 2, 3; A, B, C or Custom
- Label start offset - optional, offset your Seat Labels if you wish, e.g. if you want your first seat to be number 10, enter 9
- Reverse direction of labels? - optional, select if you want to your numbers to start from the opposite direction
c) Want to add a new row? Either:
- Click the Area, Section or Block outline and then click Add Row to Selected Section
- Or click on the row and click Duplicate selected Row
NOTE - you may want to increase your Row Spacing in your Section before doing this, so that the duplicated rows appear consistently underneath each other:
- Ensure that you've changed the row labels as these will also duplicate
d) Align your Rows by clicking the Centre, Left or Right line icons on the top left
e) Need to change any individual seats? Toggle Select Seat by clicking the cursor icon and change either the seat label or position in the row
9. Duplicate Area, Section or Block:
a) Click on Area, Section or Block
b) Click Duplicate above
10. Add Shape - draw over your Block with a Polygon shape. NOTE - you must add a shape to your Block in order for the customer to select seats within that block. Once you add the block, it will cover the seats on the live Venue Plan. The customer can then click the block to reveal the seats underneath.
a) Click the lightning icon to start building the shape
b) Draw a Polygon shape over the Block:
- Click Add New Shape and draw the 4 corners of your shape on top of the Block:
- You can fill the shape with a colour of your choice and amend the direction of each corner point of the Polygon
11. Navigate venue plan:
a) Pan Venue Plan by clicking the compass icon
b) Centre Venue Plan by clicking the bullseye icon
c) Delete an Area, Section, Block or Seat by clicking the bin icon. NOTE - you can only delete items from Venue Plans if they have no sales or prices attached to them
12. Save Venue Plan by clicking on the plan, outside of your Areas, Sections or Blocks and click Save Venue Plan on the top right
13. Want to edit or duplicate plan? On the Venue Plan list, click the 3 dots to the right of the plan to see these options:
a) Edit Plan - edit plan design on venue plan builder (see above)
b) Rename Plan
c) Manage Seat Types - add or remove Seat Types to your plan. For more info, go here
d) Basket Validation - create a single seat validation rule for the venue plan, which states that a transaction can't leave a single unsold seat on its own. You can add an Only If which limits this rule to certain Channels
For more info on Basket Validation, go here
e) Duplicate Plan - create a copy of the plan and add a name, description and capacity
NEXT STEP: Create your Seat Types
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