Scroll down for the Step-by-Step Guide on how to create a Price Table for a GA Event
What is a Price Table?
The pricing structure for your event. It's the first step in creating your prices.
You can have various Price Tables depending on your types of prices or booking periods.
Once set up you can set a capacity for your prices on your General Admission Venue Plan.
If you have Reserved Seating then you can connect prices to your seats. For more info on Reserved Seating, go here.
What is a Band?
Tiers or levels of pricing.
It is a way of grouping your prices and how you structure your bands may depend on your venue plan.
If you have a General Admission Venue Plan then you may wish to just have a General Admission band but you can have multiple bands if you want different groups of prices with different amounts of tickets you want to sell.
Create as many as you like and select a colour to help specify the Band.
If you have Reserved Seating, see here.
What is a Variant?
The types of price within a Band.
It is a way of categorising your prices, e.g. Full Price, Concession, VIP, etc.
Create as many as you like and then enter the prices for your Variants, per Band.
What is an Adjuster?
Commissions or fees inside or outside of a Variant, e.g:
Inside Adjuster = inside commission rate
Outside Adjuster = external booking fee
You can add these to your Variants on the Price Table, the fees will then show underneath your prices.
More info can be found here.
How do I control access to my prices?
By connecting Channels to your Variants on your Price Table.
You can also create Visibility Rules on your Variants, which will mean that the Variant will only be shown when its visibility rules apply - NOTE, your Price Table will need to have been saved and published before adding Visibility Rules.
See our Step-by-Step guide below for more info.
How do I add a discount to my prices?
By selecting the Discount Mode toggle on the Price Table.
You'll just need to create your discount first via the Discounts page, where you can also set up the Coupons for your discount.
More info can be found here.
What shall I do once I've made changes to my Price Table?
You'll need to click Save and then Review to check the details of your Price Table. Once you're happy, you can then Publish.
If you'd like to make any changes after publishing, you can click Duplicate as Draft, which will create a new Draft version of the table.
See our Step-by-Step guide below for more info.
What do I need to do before creating a Price Table?
Sign up to a Line-Up account.
Set up your Organisation.
What do I need to have created by this point?
Your Venues.
Your Channels.
Your Adjusters.
Your Event by completing the Info page.
Your Performances.
1. Create a Price Table:
a) Go the Events page and select your Event
b) Click the Prices tab, which will take you to the Price Tables page
c) Click New Price Table
d) Add a Name and Description
e) Tax Rate - select either Default or a Custom Tax Rate (which you need to set up before this step. More info can be found here)
f) Click Submit and you'll get taken to your Price Table
NOTE - if you make any changes to your Price Table then you must click Save before leaving the page, otherwise changes will be lost. See below for how to add to your table.
2. Add Bands:
a) Click New Band on your Price Table
b) Enter a name
c) Select a colour for the Band from the colour chart
d) Add a description (optional) by right-clicking on a Band and clicking Band Settings. Enter description and then click Done. You can then see this description on the Band by hovering over the lines icon on the Band name
3. Add Variants:
a) Click New Variant
b) Enter a name
c) Enter the price for your Variant per Band
NOTE - all prices are automatically set to n/a ('not applicable'). If you'd like to there to be no price for a Variant/Band then you can keep it as n/a, otherwise you'll need to enter a price in the cell in order for it to appear for the customer.
d) Add a description (optional) by right-clicking on a Variant and clicking Variant Settings. Enter description and then click Done
4. Add Channels:
a) Right-click on a Variant and click Manage Channels
b) On the pop-up, either click the dropdown and select Channels, or type into the search box to find a Channel. Click Done to add Channels
c) Hover over the Channel icon to see the Channels that have been added
5. Add Adjusters:
a) Right-click on a Variant and then click Manage Adjusters
b) Select your Adjusters on the pop-up and then click Add Selected Adjusters
c) Click the down arrow on the Variant to see the Adjusters you've added and their fees per Price Band
d) Want to override an Adjuster for a price? Enter the new fee in the Adjuster cell, underneath the Variant price
6. Add Discounts:
a) Click the Discount Mode toggle
b) Click Assign Discounts
c) On the pop-up, either click the dropdown and select Discounts, or type into the search box to find a Discount (you will need to create your Discount before this step. More info can be found here)
d) Select which Variant(s) to apply the Discount to
e) Click Done and you'll see the discounted price per Band
f) To add Adjusters, right click on the Discount Variant and click Manage Adjusters
g) Want to override a Discount/Adjuster price for a Variant? Enter the new price for the discounted Variant per Band in the price cell
7. Review & Publish Price Table:
a) Click Save after you've made your changes. NOTE - you must save any changes you've made before progressing. If you Review & Publish without saving, the changes will not be saved/published
b) Click Review
c) Check the details are correct for your prices, including the Gross, Tax and Net figures
d) Want to check for a specific Channel or Discount? Select your Channel and/or Discount Mode at the top of the page
e) Want to make changes? Click Back to Edit
f) Happy? Click Publish and Make Active
g) Want to make changes once it's published? Click Duplicate as Draft and make edits to a new version of your Price Table
h) Once that's edited and published then that will replace the previously published version. To view all versions of your Price Table - Draft, Archived and Active versions - click the dropdown on the top left, next to the Price Table title
8. Add Visibility Rules:
a) Click Duplicate As Draft to create a new draft version (see above)
b) Right-click on a Variant and then click Manage Visibility
c) Create Ruleset:
- Name
- Description
- Type - either All Rules must apply or At least one Rule must apply
d) Select Rules:
- Select Performance, Customer, Price Band or Venue Plan
- If Performance - choose from Start Date, Start Time, Tag or Day of the Week and select your options from the dropdown
- If Customer - select Tag then is and enter/select your Tag
- Price Band or Venue Plan- apply rule on either Unit Capacity Sold or Percentage Capacity Sold; choose either is greater than or is less then; enter the amount.
- Click Save Ruleset
9. Add Basket Validation Rules:
NOTE - your Price Table will need to have been saved and published before adding Basket Validation Rules
a) Want to set basket rules for your prices? Click Duplicate As Draft if you're still on an active version and then click Basket Validation
b) Add Details, including Name, Description and Error Message
c) Add Validation Rule for any of a tag, price, variant, band or discount
d) Add an Only If rule if you want to limit the circumstances this rule will apply, e.g. for customers with an Access tag. If you have a Min/Max rule and you only want it to apply to a certain Band/Variant, you will need to add this as an Only If
e) Once you're done, click Save Validation Rule
NOTE - changes to basket validation are applied immediately and do not require saving the price table. For further info and full instructions on Basket Validation Rules, go here
NEXT STEP: Connect prices to Venue Plan by creating a Price Profile
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