Scroll down for the Step-by-Step Guide on how to build a Folder for your Reports
How does reporting work on Line-Up?
There are four parts to reporting - Reports, Dashboards, Folders and Report Schedules.
Reports are individual aggregates of data that can be displayed as a table or chart.
Dashboards are groups of reports arranged in a customisable grid.
Folders are where you can store your Reports and Dashboards.
Schedules is where you can schedule a report to periodically be sent via email.
For the full guide on reporting terms, including a full glossary, go here.
How do I create a Folder?
On the Reports page, click Add and then Folder.
Once you've created a Report, you can then click and drag it into your Folder.
For full instructions, see our Step-by-Step Guide below.
Can I delete a Folder?
Yes, but please NOTE - this will also delete any Reports/Dashboards that are within this Folder. If you'd like to keep these reports, move them back into the main Folders page.
See step 3 in our Step-by-Step Guide below for full instructions.
How do I run a report?
Via the Reports page, adding a new report and then choosing the fields, metrics and filters you'd like to run data for.
For full instructions, see here.
1. Add a New Folder
a) On your Reports page, make sure you're on the Folders tab
b) Click Add and then Folder
b) On the pop-up, enter a name for your Folder and click Confirm
2. Add Reports or Dashboards to Folder
a) Want to create a new Report or Dashboard to place in the Folder? Click into Folder and then click Add
b) Click Report or Dashboard
For full instructions on how to create a Report, go here.
For full instructions on how to create a Dashboard, go here.
c) Have existing Reports/Dashboards you want to add to Folder? On the Reports page/Folders tab, click and drag your Report/Dashboard into your Folder
3. Want to remove Report/Dashboard from Folder?
a) Click into Folder
b) Inside the Folder, click and drag the Report/Dashboard to your Organisation name
c) Click on the Organisation name to be taken back to the main Folders page
4. Want to rename or delete a Folder?
a) Click on the 3 dots to the right
b) Click either Rename
c) Or Delete - NOTE, this will also delete any Reports/Dashboards that are within this Folder. If you'd like to keep these reports, move them back into the main Folders page (see step 3)
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