Scroll down for the Step-by-Step Guide on how to check emails sent for an order/customer
What does the Email History feature do?
It allows you to see all emails that have been sent to customers.
You can check the status of an email, i.e. whether it has been delivered, open, scheduled, etc. See below for more info.
You can also resend emails and get redirected to Order and Customer pages.
What are the different statuses of an email?
The Email History will show any of the following in the Status column:
- In Progress
- Scheduled
- Delivered
- Deferred - successfully delivered after initial an unsuccessful attempt
- Opened - this shows the last time the customer opened the email
- Dropped - delivered into the customer's spam/junk folder
- Bounced - failed to deliver/blocked, as the email address is not authenticated. Contact us here if this happens and we can investigate
- Cancelled - a scheduled email has been cancelled due to a refund or exchange
Where do I find Email History?
There are two ways to check email sends:
- Via an individual Customer page which has an Email History section at the bottom.
- From the Tools page, where you can select the Email Audit feature and this will show you all emails sent, but you can filter this page by date and customer.
On both of these pages, you can resend emails and click on links to both the Order and Email Template.
See our Step-by-Step guide below for more info.
Is this the only way I can resend an email to a customer?
You can also resend emails via an Order page and clicking Email Order. Here you can select which Email Template and Delivery Method to use, as well as attaching a Ticket Template.
See here for more info about the Email Order function.
Why can't I find the email I'm looking for in Email History?
This could be because it hasn't been set up correctly in your Delivery Method and/or the Print Rules have not been activated on the event.
Where can I create Email and Ticket Templates?
Via the Tools page.
See here for more info.
1. Email History via Customer profiles:
a) Go to the Customers page and click on a customer to see their profile
b) On the Customer profile, scroll down to Email History section at the bottom of the page. You'll see the following columns:
- Email Template Name
- Subject - title of the email
- Entry Created At - when the email was triggered, i.e. just after the Order was created
- Scheduled / Sent - the send time of the email. If it was scheduled to send at a particular time, then it would be a different date and time to Created At
- Status - this shows whether it has been successfully delivered or not (see the Key Terms & Tips above for the full Status key). Hover over the i icon to see the most recent details sent or open details
- Opens - how many times the user has opened the email
- Clicks - how many times a link in the email has been clicked
c) For each email send, click the 3 buttons icon on the right to see the following options:
- Resend Email - this will create a new email send that will appear in the list
- View Order - this will take you to the Order page where you can view and manage the order
- View Email Template - this will take you to the Email Template that was sent, where you can make any edits that you'd like
d) If an email has been resent, then you will see which user has sent it by hovering over the person icon between the Created At and Scheduled/Sent columns
e) Click See more Emails below the list to see all emails sent to this customer. This will take you to the Email Audit page, where you can then remove the Customer filter to see all emails sent to all customers (see step 2 below)
2. Full Email Audit via the Tools page:
a) Go to the Tools page on the left hand side and click Email Audit
b) On the Email Audit page, you can see all emails sent to customers
c) Click the Filter button in the top right to filter emails sent by:
- Created At - select between is after, is before and is between and your date and time options for when the email was triggered
- Sent At - the same options as above but for when the email was sent
- Customer - select from dropdown or type customer's name
d) For each email send, click the 3 buttons icon on the right to see the following options:
- Resend Email - this will create a new email send that will appear in the list
- View Customer - this will take you to the recipient's Customer profile, where you'll be able to see their particular Email History (see step 1 above) as well as Order History, Opt-In History and Customer details. See here for more info about Customer profiles
- View Order - this will take you to the Order page where you can view and manage the order
- View Email Template - this will take you to the Email Template that was sent, where you can make any edits that you'd like
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