To change Seat Types on the Box Office page, follow the simple steps below
1. Go to Event and Performance:
a) Go the Box Office page and select the correct Channel and Purchase flow in the top-right
b) Click on your Event
c) Select the performance you want to change Seat Types for from the calendar
2. Go into Seat Type mode:
a) Scroll down to the pricing legend bottom of the page
b) Change from Add to Basket mode to Seat Type mode by clicking the seats icon in the bottom far right (can't see this option? This will be because you don't have the correct user permission. See here for more info)
NOTE - you can collapse the legend if you need to, in order to see the entire venue plan. Just click the down arrow in the bottom right and the legend will disappear. If you need it up again, click the up arrow.
3. Select Seat Type:
a) Zoom in on the venue plan to focus on seats
b) Click on a Seat Type in the price legend. If there are already seats with that Seat Type, the venue plan will highlight just those seats
NOTE - you can only select one Seat Type at a time on the legend when in this mode, but you are still able to add different Seat Types to various seats. See below for further instructions
4. Select seats:
a) Select seats by holding the shift button on your keyboard and bringing up the Paintbrush icon
b) While still holding down shift, click and drag across seats with the Paintbrush. For more info on the Paintbrush feature, go here
c) To remove any seats you have selected, hold shift + command to bring up the Eraser icon
d) While still holding shift, click and drag with the Eraser icon to deselect any seats you've highlighted
e) Once you've selected your seats, let go of shift to release the Paintbrush and they will be updated with their new Seat Type
5. Want to sell some seats?
a) Go back to Add to Basket mode by clicking the basket icon in the bottom right
b) Select your seats with the Paintbrush and add tickets to your basket. For full instructions on selling tickets, follow the link below
Why can't I see this function at Box Office?
You might not have the correct user permission. You must have Box-Office Admin, Event Manager, Admin or Owner user roles to be able to access this function. The standard Box-Office user only has access to the Basket function on the box-office.
Can I also do this on the Venues page?
Yes, if you have the correct user permission, i.e. Event Manager, Admin or Owner, you can add/remove Seat Types on the Venues page. This is currently the only way to add a new Seat Type to a venue plan.
On Box Office, though, you can amend Seat Types for a specific performance and also while viewing a live venue plan - so you can see which seats have been sold and/or allocated.
I've selected my seats but they won't change to my new Seat Type.This is probably because you haven't selected the Seat Type first. You need to click on the Seat Type in the legend underneath the venue plan to begin with, and then select your seats using the Paintbrush. Once you let go of shift to release Paintbrush, the seats will be updated to that Seat Type.
My Paintbrush isn't sticking on my venue plan/highlighting my seats.
This may be because you aren't holding down shift and/or clicking on your mouse when selecting seats. You need to do both at the same time to make sure seats are selected.
I've highlighted too many seats/want to un-highlight them.
Hold shift + command (if using a mac) or shift + control (if using windows) and the Eraser icon will appear. You can click and drag across the seats you want to deselect.
How do I get back to Paintbrush from Eraser?
Let go of command or control but still hold down shift and the Paintbrush will appear again.
I've selected all my seats. What do I do now?
Let go of shift and the cursor will appear as normal again so you can proceed with your seats.
NEXT STEP: Sell your seats
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