To edit a Price Profile on a performance, follow the simple steps below
1. Go to the Events page, select your Event and click Manage on your Performance
2. Edit Capacities:
a) Scroll down on the performance page and select Edit Capacity
b) To see which seats have been assigned to a band, click on the band on the right hand side (careful not to click the ‘+’ icon or the ‘Trash’ icon). The seats will then flash in blue on the venue plan
c) Want to add more seats to a band? Either click on individual seats or select multiple seats by holding the shift button on your keyboard and you can use the paintbrush icon to drag across rows/areas of seats.
To remove any seats you have selected, hold shift + command and you can use the eraser icon to remove multiple seats.
d) Click the plus icon next to the Band to update the seats
NOTE - in editing the capacities for this performance, it will unlink the performance from the original Price Profile. If edits are made to the global Price Profile from now on then that won't affect this performance
NEXT STEP: Set Allocations or Locks by creating an Availability Status
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