Scroll down for the essential info on how reporting works on Line-Up
How does reporting work on Line-Up?
There are four parts to reporting - Reports, Dashboards, Folders and Report Schedules.
Reports are individual aggregates of data that can be displayed as a table or chart.
Dashboards are groups of reports arranged in a customisable grid.
Folders are where you can store your Reports and Dashboards.
Schedules is where you can schedule a report to periodically be sent via email.
You can customise each of these elements to suit your reporting needs.
How do I run a report?
Via the Reports page, where you can add a new Report and then choosing the fields, metrics and filters you'd like to run data for.
See our Glossary below for a breakdown of terms.
For full instructions on how to build a report, go here.
Why won't my report run?
This might be because of the amount of data you are trying to run.
You are allowed a maximum of 100,000 rows of data for a report, otherwise it won't run or export properly.
Please contact us here if you are having issues running your report.
1. Types of Reports
a) Performances
- This will run the report by transaction items, e.g. tickets, fees, products - NOTE, products must be linked to performances in order for them to appear in Performances reports
- Data is linked to anything with a specific date and time
- This type of report will assign revenue to event
- If you'd like to report on performances and include even performances where you haven't sold on anything, choose this option
- Example reports = Ticket Sales by Performance, Attendee List, Barcodes Report. For more examples, see here
b) Orders
- This will run the report by payment items, i.e. how a basket is made up
- This type of report will inform how you got paid for your revenue and will show you what kind of payments have been made, e.g. Visa, voucher, etc
- This will only pull data where there is a transaction - unlike Performances, Orders will only show you performances where you have sold an item
- Example reports = Payments Report, Cashing Up/Amounts Taken. For more examples, see here
c) Availabilities
- This will run a performance report for your Availability Statuses, i.e. your allocations and locks
- Where you can check the capacity total and remaining of your allocations or locks
- Example report = Availabilities by Performance
NOTE - this is currently for reserved seating events only
d) Vouchers
- This will run a report for transaction items with your Vouchers
- Where you can check the debit, credit and net of Voucher codes
- Example report = Voucher Remaining Amounts
e) Opt Ins
- This will run a report for your marketing Opt Ins
- Where you can check the customers' responses to your Opt Ins, including contact details for customers
- Example report = Opt In Responses
2. Report components
You can add the following components when running a customised report:
a) Field - Non-aggregated data, i.e. data that can't be added up. This could be a date, event name, price band name, etc. These will make up your rows
b) Metric - Data that can be aggregated, e.g. amount of tickets sold, average ticket price, transaction item count, etc. These will make up your columns
NOTE - you must add at least one Field and Metric in order for a report to run
c) Filter - A way to specify your reports to only show certain data, i.e. if you select Event Name is and then choose an event - that will only show fields and metrics for that event in your report
d) Group By - A way to group the report by Fields or Metrics e.g. Performance Start Time
e) Export - Choose to export your report to a PDF document or CSV spreadsheet
3. Different report options
a) Performances - Fields
Select from the following for your non-aggregated data when pulling a Performances Report:
Field | Example |
Address Country | United Kingdom |
Address Postcode | WS11 1SB |
Address Street | 10 King Road |
Address Town | London |
Area | Stalls |
Barcode | 0726206808852 |
Channel Name | Website |
Customer Email Address | |
Customer First Name | Peter |
Customer Full Name | Peter Parker |
Customer Last Name | Parker |
Discount Name | EARLYBIRD10 |
Event External Id | 384 |
Event Name | Ghostbusters The Musical |
Event Organisation Id | 4.00 |
External Barcode | 094760381953 |
Form Question | dietary-requirements |
Form Response | "No meat" |
Form Title | Dietary Requirements |
Is Redeemed | true/false |
Item Is Void | true/false |
Performance Date Time | 19/11/2024 14:00:00 |
Performance Day of Week | Saturday |
Performance End Date | 19/11/2024 |
Performance End Time | 03:00 PM |
Performance Is Cancelled | true/false |
Performance Start Date | 19-11-2024 |
Performance Start Time | 02:00 PM |
Phone Number | 07563827471 |
Price Band Name | Band A |
Price Profile Name | Peak |
Price Variant Name | Full Price |
Product Name | Champagne |
Product Type | Physical |
Purchase Flow Name | Box Office |
Purchase Flow Type | Box Office |
Row | A |
Seat Label | 1 |
Seat Type Name | Wheelchair |
Sector | Stalls Left |
Transaction Completed Date Time | 28/12/2024 21:09:34 |
Transaction Day of Week | Friday |
Transaction Item Kind | Ticket |
Transaction Lead Booker | John Smith |
Transaction Note | VIP |
Transaction Public Id | txn_FbnRHRwnCbSwuTD8EcDfeq |
Transaction Reference | 23291G-667A9CH6T5 |
Transaction Status | COMPLETE |
Transaction Type | SALE |
User First Name | Jane |
User Last Name | Doe |
Value | 100.00 |
Venue Name | Great Theatre |
Venue Plan Admission Type | GENERAL ADMISSION |
Venue Plan Capacity | 500 |
Venue Plan Name | Panto Plan |
b) Performances - Metrics
Select from the following for your aggregated data for a Performances Report:
Metric | Example |
Comp Tickets | 1 |
Face Value Gross | £100.00 |
Inside Fee Gross | £50.00 |
Inside Fee Net | £41.67 |
Inside Fee Tax | £8.33 |
Inside Gross |
£100.00 |
Inside Net | £83.33 |
Inside Tax | £16.67 |
Item Count | 2 |
Outside Fee Gross | £2.00 |
Performance Count | 1 |
Reserved Gross Value | £0.00 |
Reserved Tickets | 0 |
Sold Gross Value | £100.00 |
Sold Net | £250.00 |
Sold Products | 1 |
Sold Tickets | 3 |
Tax | £50.00 |
Transaction Count Completed | 3 |
Transaction Count Reserved | 0 |
c) Orders - Fields
Select from the following for your non-aggregated data when pulling an Orders Report:
Field | Example |
Address Country | United Kingdom |
Address Postcode | WS11 1SB |
Address Street | 10 King Road |
Address Town | London |
Channel Name | Website |
Customer Email Address | |
Customer First Name | Peter |
Customer Full Name | Peter Parker |
Customer Last Name | Parker |
Delivery Method Name | E-Ticket |
Event Name | Ghostbusters The Musical |
Form Question | dietary-requirements |
Form Response | "No meat" |
Form Title | Dietary Requirements |
Item Is Void | true/false |
Payment External Reference | true/false |
Payment Id | 10.00 |
Payment Is Refund | true/false |
Payment Issuer Country | UK |
Payment Method Name | Stripe |
Payment Method Sub Variant | visastandardcredit |
Payment Method Type | STRIPE |
Payment Method Variant | visa |
Payment Status | COMPLETED |
Phone Number | 07563827471 |
Price Adjuster Default Rate | 2.950000 |
Price Adjuster Name | Booking Fee |
Price Adjuster Outside | true/false |
Price Adjuster Rate Type | FIXED_RATE |
Price Band Name | Band A |
Price Variant Name | Full Price |
Product Type | Physical |
Purchase Flow Name | Box Office |
Purchase Flow Type | Box Office |
Transaction Completed Date Time | 28/12/2024 21:09:34 |
Transaction Created Date Time | 28/12/2024 21:06:02 |
Transaction Day of Week | Friday |
Transaction Item Kind | Payment |
Transaction Lead Booker | John Smith |
Transaction Note | VIP |
Transaction Organisation Id | 3.00 |
Transaction Reference | 23291G-667A9CH6T5 |
Transaction Status | COMPLETE |
Transaction Type | SALE |
User First Name | Jane |
User Last Name | Doe |
d) Orders - Metrics
Select from the following for your aggregated data for an Orders Report:
Metric | Example |
Comp Tickets | 1 |
Inside Fee Gross | £50.00 |
Inside Fee Net | £41.67 |
Inside Fee Tax | £8.33 |
Inside Net | £83.33 |
Inside Tax | £16.67 |
Item Count | 2 |
Payment Credit | 1 |
Payment Debit | £0.00 |
Payment Net | 0 |
Reserved Gross Value | £100.00 |
Reserved Tickets | 1 |
Sold Gross Value | £39.70 |
Sold Net | £33.08 |
Sold Products | 1 |
Sold Tickets | 3 |
Tax | £50.00 |
Transaction Count Completed | 3 |
Transaction Count Reserved | 0 |
e) Availabilities - Fields
Select from the following for your non-aggregated data when pulling an Availability Report:
Field | Example |
Availability Status Name | TodayTix Hold |
Availability Status Type | Allocation |
Event Name | Ghostbusters The Musical |
Event External Id | 384 |
Event Organisation Id | 4.00 |
Performance Is Canceled | true/false |
Performance Start Date | 19-11-2024 |
Performance Start Time | 02:00 PM |
Performance Day of Week | Saturday |
Seating Object Row | A |
Seating Object Sector | 10 |
Seating Object Area | Balcony |
f) Availabilities - Metrics
Select from the following for your aggregated data for an Availability Report:
Metric | Example |
Percentage Remaining | 3.36% |
Total Capacity | 149 |
Total Remaining | 5 |
Total Unavailable | 144 |
g) Vouchers - Fields
Select from the following for your non-aggregated data when pulling a Vouchers Report:
Field | Example |
Channel Name | Website |
Customer Email Address | |
Customer First Name | Peter |
Customer Full Name | Peter Parker |
Customer Last Name | Parker |
Purchase Flow Name | Box Office |
Purchase Flow Type | Box Office |
Transaction Day of Week | Friday |
Transaction Lead Booker | John Smith |
Transaction Public Id | txn_FbnRHRwnCbSwuTD8EcDfeq |
Transaction Reference | 23291G-667A9CH6T5 |
Transaction Status | COMPLETE |
User First Name | Jane |
User Last Name | Voucher Name |
Voucher Code | 87HALKLV |
Voucher Initial Balance | 100.00 |
Voucher Is Expired | true/false |
Voucher Name | Gift Voucher |
Voucher Organisation Id | 3.00 |
h) Vouchers - Metrics
Select from the following for your aggregated data for an Orders Report:
Metric | Example |
Credit | £100.00 |
Debit | -£41.50 |
Net | £58.50 |
i) Opt Ins - Fields
Select from the following for your non-aggregated data when pulling an Opt Ins Report:
Field | Example |
Customer Email Address | |
Customer First Name | Peter |
Customer Full Name | Peter Parker |
Customer Last Name | Parker |
Customer Phone Number | 07563827471 |
Opt in Name | Mailing list opt in |
Opt in Response | true/false |
Opt in Text | <p>Tick here to be added to our mailing list</p> |
Organisation Id | 3.00 |
NOTE - no metrics are needed for an Opt Ins report.
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