Scroll down for the Step-by-Step Guide on how to use the Orders page
What can I see on the Orders page?
A list of all orders which you can filter to find specific orders, e.g. all complete orders, reservations, orders that have used a certain delivery method, etc.
For more info on the filters you can use on this page, see step 1 in our Step-by-Step Guide.
Is there any other way to find specific orders?
Yes, you can use the Search bar anywhere on Line-Up to search for customer names, email addresses, events and reference numbers attached to an order. Go here for more info.
If you have Reserved Seating, you can also use the venue plan on the Box Office page to find the order attached to a seat. Go here for more info.
What's the best way to export orders?
By running a customised report via the Reporting page.
Go here for more info.
How can I manage the orders that appear on the list?
By clicking Manage on an item, where you'll be taken to the order page. Here you can refund/exchange the order, resend or download tickets and regenerate barcodes.
For more info about managing orders, go here.
1. Go to the Orders page and use the Filter bar in the top right to find orders. You can filter by:
a) Created At - choose from is after, is before or is between and select your time and date options
b) Expires At - see above
c) Closed At - see above
d) Status - choose Complete, Reservation, In Basket, Payment Started or Expired
e) Delivery Method - select from the delivery methods that you have created
2. To return to your original Order list without any filters, click Clear
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